Monday, May 16, 2016

Concentration Paragraph

Growing up, people told me that I had to be a certain way, that I had to change to be beautiful. “Girls can’t like snakes and shopping.” “Dark chocolate is gross, you’re weird if you like it.” Well newsflash world, I guess I’m weird, and I love it! I want my art to show a little bit of the weird and wonderful differences that make everything beautiful, imperfections and all. Art isn’t about what society loves, it’s about expressing the artist. And I like to stand out from the perfect crowd.

Artist Statement

 Art connects all of humanity. No matter what country a person lives in, or what language a person speaks, art can reach out and connect to them. Art, in all of its forms, is universal. For the artist in particular, art is a form of expression and creative release. For me, ceramics is cathartic. When I am creating a piece of artwork, my mind and heart clear and my creativity takes over. When I create art, I hope to be able to show the world what true beauty is; I want to show that there is beauty in everything, no matter how simple and small. I want the people who see my art to look at my art as a new view on the world. I want the audience to realize that if beauty is in the eye of the beholder, their eyes could see beauty in every corner of the world.
Creating art is something that has always provided a release of emotions for me. When I allow my creativity to take over, whatever the stressor is, it becomes small and manageable, while I focus on working the clay. And when my work comes out of the kiln, glazed and perfect, the feeling of accomplishment is amazing.
The way society has shaped our minds to perceive beauty leaves photoshopped images as all that is allowed to be considered. Only perfection is allowed. I want to challenge that and say that beauty is in the daisy between the sidewalk cracks, and the dandelion that turns into a wish. I want to say that beauty can be found all around us. When we figure out just how beautiful everything is, so much joy can be found! I want to show people that their view can change.
When people see my art, I want them to understand that the world runs on imperfect people. The beautiful irony in all of this is that as imperfect people we have created so many wonderful things. We have made buildings that touch the clouds and can fit the entire internet into the palm of someone’s hand. However, we have also allowed the idea that perfection is a requirement to be beautiful and wonderful. I want to challenge that. To stand against the wave, and say no. I want to show people that is it okay to be different.

I know this is a huge undertaking. However, art is universal, and I know I’m not the only one standing against the wave. So when I release my creativity this year, I want to channel the release into showing the beautiful parts of the world. The simple complexity of origami, flowers that may be missing a few petals, giant trees that start as a small seed, and ballerinas who fight cancer are all beautiful! So take a few moments, look around, and find the beauty. It is there, I promise.

Muffin Non-site

Different is Okay

Baby or Grandma?

Quote bowls

"True beauty comes from the inside out,
as a young woman you were born to be a queen." -E.S. Dalton

"The beauty of a woman grows with the passing of the years." -Audrey Hepburn
"If you are irritated by every rub, how will you ever be polished?" -Rumi

Daddy and Daughter Dance

Beauty is Unique, with a flower inside

Warm flowers, cold stems

Same material, different purpose